
Enrollments have been completed for the 2024-2025 school year!

Tuition is payable on the first of each month and delinquent after the 15th of the month. Tuition is based on the number of days your child attends preschool.  A late fee of $15.00 will be added for late payments. If payment is 60 days late your child may no longer attend until all past due amounts are paid in full. The preschool is self-supporting and is dependent on the tuition received.

A nonrefundable registration fee of $100.00 per child is due with application each year.

The children are served a snack mid-morning. The snack fee is $70.00 per child for the year for those attending 5 days a week. For those who attend 3 days per week the snack fee is $55.00 per year. This fee is due on or before September 30th of each year.

For more information call Millie Diehl, Director of Preschool, 314.427.5848